Space Cowboy SATX // After Midnight

Author: Mike Jacob

Space Cowboy SATX’s track After Midnight is simply breath taking. The track sounds straight of a movie soundtrack and has been on repeat in our reviewing editing office for nearly an hour. The track is a raw, emotion filled record that a pure must listen.

Rufus Rūfasu is the singer, songwriter, engineer and backbone of Space Cowboy SATX… needless to say an extremely talented artist.

The “group” has been releasing music since 2018, which in a career sense for music is a very short time to be making records this great. The genre is best described as ambient dance pop and really puts the listener into a different world.

Make sure to follow the group on Instagram here, though you can’t currently stream on Spotify you can play the track via the video above. Make sure to save to your Youtube playlists!


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